Suara Keheningan | RP. Inosenaius Ino, O.Carm
To Our Esteemed Donors
Greetings, Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fr. Inosensius Ino, O.Carm, a member of the Carmelite Order of Eastern Indonesia. I spent nine years in Germany, studying Dogmatic Theology at Sankt Georgen University in Frankfurt am Main.
Throughout my pastoral journey, I had the opportunity to serve as a Seelsorger (pastoral caregiver) for the Indonesian Catholic community in Frankfurt and its surroundings. For two years, I also served as an instructor for Theology Master’s candidates in Germany.
Additionally, I ministered as a Seelsorger at Mainz Städtische Altenheim for two years, a valuable experience in providing care and comfort to those in need.
Currently, I am embarking on a new role as the Director of Nabi Elia Mageria Retreat House, located in Maumere, on the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia. This retreat house is dedicated to guiding children and young people, helping them in faith formation, character strengthening, and holistic personal development. Through our programs, we strive to cultivate a generation with strong moral integrity who can become agents of change within their communities.
However, in carrying out this mission, we face a significant challenge: the lack of adequate facilities. The current space is insufficient to support our formation programs effectively. We urgently need additional rooms for learning, training, and reflection—integral parts of their growth process.
With humility, I invite you to take part in our mission through this letter. Your generous donations will be fully utilized to build the necessary facilities for faith and character formation at Nabi Elia Retreat House.
We believe that with your support, we can make a greater impact and continue this ministry more effectively. As the Director of Nabi Elia Retreat House, I personally ensure that every contribution is used transparently and responsibly. We are also committed to providing progress reports to donors as a testament to our accountability.
With heartfelt gratitude, I sincerely thank you for your attention and generosity. May God continually bless your noble intentions and endeavors.
With fraternal love,
Fr. Inosensius Ino, O.Carm
Director, Nabi Elia Retreat House
Maumere, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Design of the old building
The total construction cost is IDR 1,200,000,000, with the following breakdown:
Note: Costs may vary depending on material prices in the area.
The realization of this project depends on the support from:
Your contribution matters! With your donation, you can support young people, accompany them, and provide a safe space where they can learn and grow. Donations can be sent to the following account:
Together, we can create a sustainable future and transform the lives of many young people. Every contribution—big or small—will help make this dream a reality. We are deeply grateful for your support.
We believe that “Whoever invests in young people is planting seeds for a better world.” NN
With deep gratitude,
Fr. Inosensius Ino
Director, Nabi Elia Mageria Retreat House