10 min dibaca
04 Oct
Suara Keheningan | RP. Inosensius Ino, O.Carm

You can access Inosensius I. Sigaze’s full portfolio on Muck Rack12. This platform provides a comprehensive collection of his articles, contact information, and social media profiles.

Inocentius I. Sigaze has covered a variety of notable topics in his journalism career. Some of the key areas he has focused on include:

  1. Education: He writes extensively about educational reforms, challenges, and success stories in Indonesia.
  2. Faith and Spirituality: Inocentius explores the role of faith in daily life, spiritual practices, and the impact of religion on society.
  3. Humanity and Social Issues: His articles often highlight human rights issues, social justice, and community development.
  4. Politics: He provides insights into local and national political dynamics, governance, and policy-making.
  5. Literature and Culture: Inocentius delves into literary works, cultural heritage, and the arts.
  6. Agriculture and Economic Independence: He discusses sustainable farming practices, economic empowerment, and rural development.
  7. Environment and Nature: His work includes coverage of environmental conservation, climate change, and biodiversity.
  8. Finance and Digital Issues: He addresses financial literacy, economic trends, and the impact of digital technology on society.

Inocentius I. Sigaze is a freelance journalist from Indonesia who covers a wide range of topics including education, faith, humanity, politics, literature, spirituality, agriculture, economic independence, nature and the environment, finance, and digital issues12. He does not cover humor or football1.

Writing Style and Favorite Topics

Inocentius’s writing style is thoughtful and analytical, often focusing on the deeper implications of his subjects. He frequently writes about the importance of education, the intersection of faith and humanity, and the need for environmental protection12.


His work is inspired by his diverse educational background and his experiences within the Carmelite Order. He studied philosophy and theology extensively, which influences his reflective and philosophical approach to journalism2.

Upcoming Projects

While specific upcoming projects or investigations were not detailed in the sources, Inocentius continues to be active in his fields of interest, contributing to various publications and engaging in community education and spiritual activities12.

Here are some of Inosensius I. Sigaze’s recent articles:

  1. “Selera Asing, Apresiasi Lokal: Menelusuri Jejak YouTuber di Indonesia” - This article explores the phenomenon of foreign YouTubers creating content in Indonesia and the reasons behind their choice of locations and subjects1.
  2. “Masyarakat Digital: Di Balik Mitos Angka dan Nomor Urut dalam Pilkada” - In this piece, Inosensius delves into the myths and realities surrounding numbers and rankings in local elections1.
  3. “Bonding dan Detachment dalam Dinamika Kehidupan dan Dunia Kerja” - This article discusses the emotional dynamics of bonding and detachment in various human relationships, including family, friendships, and workplace interactions1.
  4. “Zaken Kabinet: Antara Profesionalisme dan Tantangan Politik di Indonesia” - Inosensius examines the concept of a “Zaken Kabinet” (a cabinet of experts) and its feasibility in the context of Indonesian politics1.
  5. “Partisipasi Politik Perempuan: Antara Panggilan dan Harapan” - This article focuses on women’s political participation, exploring the call and hope for greater involvement of women in politics1.
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